think and see in Faith of Jesus Christ

Why do I need to see a spiritual director?
For the “spiritual mirroring”, to see the true face of my spirit, and to really hear the voice of God.
Have you ever thought about seeing a spiritual director? At least I have never thought about it. But maybe you have seen a counselor as well. For some reason, to protect people and things, you have chosen to see a counselor, hoping to get back on track, or even find it.
When does “being sick” become a shame?
When you think about it, you should not see counseling as a “problem”. Isn’t it normal for people to seek medical help when they are sick? I’ve only seen people who have no money and are unable to get medical treatment, but I believe that no one has never been scolded for seeking medical treatment. But there are people who label counseling as problematic and shameful, and even worse, people who seek treatment label themselves like that. Unfortunately, it is very sad to hear that.
Too many people overlook the need to heal the mind, which after all is never part of the curriculum in school. Schools teach people to acquire tools (subject knowledge) and even become tools (to become professionals or skilled laborers) in order to be used by society and employers, while society does not take the initiative to provide treatment when the mind is wounded, and at best will only treat your body. Why? Because people are sick and can’t work to make profit for employers. Unfortunately, society does not legally regulate employers to care for and treat the mental health of employees, so employers have no obligation and responsibility. Regrettably, society also does not regulate its own responsibility to provide mental health services to employees and the disadvantaged, in other words, you and I are “on our own”.
This is one of the aspects of human society that is sad to say. Perhaps some developed countries like Europe might have some benefits for spiritual healing? I am not sure, but it is true that our society in East Asian countries does not pay much attention to it, and the government support in Hong Kong is quite poor. Yes, we have it but it is quite poor, because the condition is that you must be poor enough, otherwise you can’t get government support, and you may not want to admit that you have a problem and to burden the extra expenses. As a result, how many people are willing to heal their own hearts and souls?
We already despise healing the heart, let alone healing spiritual life.
Thinking about this, have you ever felt the goodness of God? On the seventh day of creation God Himself saw the creation as good and rested, and then He made the Sabbath day to give rest to man. God is very good to people, isn’t He? God is a spirit and does not have a physical body and does not get tired, but he himself sets the example of rest, not to mention that God understands the needs of man and sets the Sabbath for him. God does not ask people to work until they are exhausted before healing them, or even abandon them for others when they are terminally ill and beyond remedy, as in human society. God sees man as a living being and cherishes him, so he heals him physically and mentally. That is why Psalm 46, “Rest, and know that I am God,” was written to help people and remind them. Please don’t push yourself too hard, may you also let yourself go. Go to God together and connect to the Lord for healing.
We have all been sick, both physically and spiritually, and we may have been healed physically, but that does not mean we have been healed spiritually, and we may have neglected our spiritual lives. I see that one of the purposes of spiritual direction is to heal the heart, and the other reason is to connect with God and hear from Him.
Prayer speaks to God, spirituality listens to God
I wonder if you take prayer and spirituality seriously? If so, congratulations! I thought I knew what spirituality was, but after being referred to a spiritual director by my church pastor, I discovered my mistake. My mistake was that I mistook Bible study for spirituality connection to God. I used to put a lot of emphasis on speaking in my prayers, but I forgot the verse in James: “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.” Is it not a question of whether God speaks to me or not? The only way to truly value God’s word is to truly believe that God has the right answer and to hear His heart. I’m sure you’ve seen people who are superstitious about horoscopes and divination, and they listen more intently than ordinary believers because they are afraid of missing important information. Unfortunately, we are all prone to make the mistake of neglecting the fact that God’s word is the most important thing, and that we just need to listen.
Don’t be afraid that such a quiet, focused desire to seek God’s response will lead to wrong contact with evil spirits. As long as we focus on God, pray for this first and ask the Lord to keep us from pursuing the so-called supernatural experience, and think about God’s words in the Bible throughout the process, I believe God will keep us from falling. We wait and feel God’s response during the process, and let God be the master instead of controlling the process ourselves. This is also part of obedience.
In other words, what is seeing a spiritual director?
In my personal experience, it is when you seek and ask God, pray to God and think about the scriptures during the process, then you tell the spiritual director how you feel, what you have gained and what you believe to be God’s response, and then you listen to the spiritual director’s response, reminders and suggestions. The situation is somewhat similar to personal counseling, but the key difference is that the spiritual director is ultimately building your own connection to God, and the answers and healing come from God, not man.
During the process, you may find that your past knowledge of spiritual thinking, prayer, and even God is wrong, biased, renewed, or deepened. Please face and walk through this together, for our spiritual lives will be renewed by God, and the sorrowful spirit will not despised and will be healed.
You don’t have to think of spiritual direction as far-fetched. Talking to pastors and preachers about spiritual matters and getting feedback and advice is part of spiritual direction. In contrast, spiritual direction is more like counseling in that it is purposeful, places more emphasis on knowing God and knowing oneself on a spiritual level (inseparable from one’s real-life self, of course), and places an emphasis on receiving responses directly from God.
If this is strange to you, it’s normal, and it was to me at first. May you pray together that the Lord will help us, for it is God who truly guides spirituality, confident that He will lead us in the path of righteousness.